Tuesday 5 February 2013


  1. I'm super, super tall, standing at the grand height of 6'1.
  2. I can crack my tongue.
  3. I am a serious hypochondriac.
  4. I always have a minimum of 4 bruises on my body at any given point in time.
  5. I have the biggest crush ever on Harry Styles. Please come to me!
  6. I love names. I've been thinking of names for my future children ever since I can remember!
  7. I don't really cry!
  8. I tend to snort when I laugh, but only when something is really, really funny!
  9. If I could be anything in the world I'd be a model.
  10. Milky Way Magic Stars are the best things in the entire world.
  11. Orange and pink are the best colours
  12. I have an unhealthy obsession with Victoria's Secret and their Angels. Can I be one too, pretty please? 
  13. I love reading!. My current favourites are Pride and Prejudice, The Last Song and every single Lindsey Kelk book ever published. 
  14. I've never seen The Lion King, I'm much more of a Disney Princess kind of girl.
  15. I think I have every single Barbie film on DVD, and I could sit and watch them for hours on end. 
  16. I'd adore to be able to speak fluent French. It seems like such a perfect, romantic language.
  17. The South African accent is my all time favourite.
  18. My ideal holiday would be a road trip down Route 66.
  19. I'm the most indecisive person in the entire world.
  20. I'm terrified of rides/roller-coasters, spiders, heights and enclosed spaces. 
Thought I'd jump on the blogging bandwagon and make a 'facts about me' post! Just a little insight to me and my life, I hope you'll enjoy reading it, as I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone elses! 


  1. no matter how old people get, I think disney and barbie movies will always have a place in their heart. My favourite was always Barbie and the Nutcraker. I like Tangled too! I enjoyed reading this! Lucky you're tall, i'm only 5ft 1!



    1. I completely agree! Barbie and the Nutcracker was the first Barbie film I watched! My favourite has to be the 12 Dancing Princesses! Oh Tangled is so good too, and the Princess and the Frog! My height is the bane of my life sometimes, though! I'd love to be able to swap heights with you for a day!

  2. great post, its lovely to get to know more about people :)

    love your blog - I have followed. Would love it if you could check mine out sometime?



    1. Thank you so much! I agree! Definitely, I've followed you, also, you blog is great! Xx

  3. LOVE Magic Stars! Haven't had them in so long! Great blog, just found it :)
    Chloe xx

    1. They are the best! Thank you so much :) Xx

  4. Great blog! Im a new follower, look forward to reading more posts

    Im a self-taught makeup artist and upcoming YouTuber with a beauty blog! I feature product reviews, my looks and how-tos, picture tutorials and so on..
    Would love for you to check it out and even follow if you like it?


    Love from Sanna’s beauty blog

    Like my page for more makeup madness!

  5. So cute and funny facts!
    Haha Harry Styles *-*

    Maybe you want to check out my blog and we can follow each other?
    Let me know ^^

    - xo Supernat
